Blessings Ranch

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4 Benefits to Buying Farm Fresh Eggs | Tomball, TX Ranch | Blessings Ranch

4 Benefits to Buying Farm Fresh Eggs

Have you ever bought your eggs fresh from the farm before? If you never have, you’re in for a real treat. Eating farm-fresh eggs is an entirely different experience from eating store-bought eggs. Here are four reasons why you should consider adding farm-fresh eggs to your food budget. 

#1) Grocery Eggs Are Old

Grocery store eggs packed on December 26 with a sell-by date of February 3rd could be over two months old when you buy them. The commercial egg farmer has 30 days from the time the eggs are laid to pack them, which means the eggs could have been laid around November 27.

At Blessings Ranch, we pack our eggs the day they are laid and sell them directly to you. If you want to know whether our eggs are worth it, just consider this fact: they sell out fast, and there’s a reason for that.

#2) Farm Fresh Eggs Taste Better

Imagine cracking a farm-fresh egg first thing in the morning to see a rich, beautiful yolk with a gorgeous color. You’ll get a rich, flavorful taste.

Because they are newer, farm-fresh eggs also cook more reliably, which means your favorite egg recipes will be easier to pull off. That’s another mark in the “great taste” column! 

#3) Farm Fresh Eggs Are More Nutritious

Want to have your eggs and eat them too? Farm-fresh eggs contain less cholesterol and saturated fat. They also contain more protein, amino acids, and vitamins. They also offer omega-3 fatty acids and beta-carotene. 

This makes them the perfect egg for people who are worried about their heart health and their macros. 

#4) Farm Fresh Eggs Are More Humane

The cheapest eggs at the store come from chickens that live in tight battery cages, and many of the other labels are marketing terms. 

Many of the terms aren’t regulated. “Cage-free” means the chickens aren’t in battery cages, but they may never be let out of the barn. “Free range” chickens might get just an hour outdoors in a tiny little yard before being put back into the barn or the cage. Certified humane eggs do mean that a third party has verified the chickens were treated well, but you’ll still be paying top dollar for older eggs. 

When you come to buy eggs from our farm, you can actually see how our chickens are living. Our chickens spend the majority of their time enjoying life outside. We believe happy chickens produce better eggs! 

Order Farm Fresh Eggs Today 

Our eggs go fast, so watch this space for updates, or join us on Facebook to find out exactly when our farm-fresh eggs are available for purchase. 

Note: due to limited supply, eggs are an add-on item and cannot be purchased by themselves, so don’t forget to shop for some farm-fresh beef, bacon, or chicken while you’re at it. We also have to limit them to two dozen per family, so everyone who wants some may have some. 

We bet once you try our eggs, you’ll never want to go back! 

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