raw milk co-op
We require a completed order form and payment to put you on the milk order.
Don't delay and risk getting pushed into the next month for your milk!
Co-op Rules
We work with Stryk Jersey Farm out of Schulenburg, TX to provide quality A2 milk. We are currently on a two week schedule with the dairy.
Due to drought conditions milk quantities are limited. We go off the timestamp from the order form when we must move orders to future pickups due to low quantities from the dairy. Milk must be picked up by 3pm on Saturday; there are no refunds due to failure to pick up.
Due to drought conditions milk quantities are limited. We go off the timestamp from the order form when we must move orders to future pickups due to low quantities from the dairy. Milk must be picked up by 3pm on Saturday; there are no refunds due to failure to pick up.
Current Pick Up Weeks
11/21 -23/24 – full
12/5 – 7/24 – full
12/19 – 12/24 – 95% full
1/2 -4/25
Payment without an order form filled out will NOT get you milk!
Completed order form without payment will NOT get you milk!
Please complete the online form above and follow the directions with in to pay for your milk.
Payment without an order form filled out will NOT get you milk!
Completed order form without payment will NOT get you milk!